Monday, December 26, 2022


I love the time between Christmas and New Year’s.  It is the quiet time where there are few obligations – Christmas “have to’s” are done or did not get done, and all of the “after the holidays” things to do have not started yet.  I love to take care of obscure items from my “To Do” list – clean a closet, download and delete photos from my phone, take down and put away Christmas decorations, work through the pile of unread magazines.  These smaller tasks help me feel accomplished and more organized.

I also take this time to reflect on the past year.  What worked?  What did not work?  What resolutions did I accomplish?  What resolutions do I want to carry forward?  This year for me is one of resilience.  The door slammed shut on my library career.  I could have stayed at that door knocking and trying to re-open it.  I decided to go to another door of opportunity. 

For several years, I have been talking about starting my own coaching and consulting business.  Gradually, I was taking baby steps in that direction – attending workshops, asking questions of others in the business, improving my public speaking skills.  All these actions were preparing me to take the leap.  

I believe that without having been pushed out of my library career, I would still be in the planning stages of my coaching and consulting career.  There was a sense of security with my library career, depending on others for my “success”.  Now, it is my own actions that will lead to my success. 

As a Maxwell Certified Team Member, there are a rich, plethora of resources to assist me.  The only thing stopping me from success is myself.  I need to take action which will lead to success.  My word for 2023 is ACTION.  I will not wait until things are perfect to proceed; I will take action and learn along the way. 

In her book, “The 5 Second Rule”, Mel Robbins explains “The 5 Second Rule is simple. If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds, or your brain will kill it.  The moment you feel an instinct or a desire to act on a goal or a commitment, use the Rule.  When you feel yourself hesitate before doing something that you know you should do, count 5-4-3-2-1-GO and move towards act.”

The “5 Second Rule” will come in to play often when I am considering what action to take.  I will remind myself that those 5 seconds can lead me to success or lost opportunities .  Using my word of Action, I will move forward to success – in my relationships, career, health, spiritual and resources.  During the upcoming week, I will reflect on these areas from the past year and set my intentions for 2023.

Reflect on 2022 – what was successful?  What do you need to let go?  Then start to consider 2023.  Pick a word or mantra that will help you focus.  Start to plan the actions that will lead you to success in 2023.  Success is in your hands – no one else can do it for you.  Coaching can keep you accountable and get past obstacles.  Reach out if you would like me to be part of your journey.  

#Action #FiveSecondRule #Reflection #Successin2023 #IntentionalLiving #LifeCoaching #VSMCoachingandConsulting #MaxwellCertifiedTeamMember 

Monday, December 19, 2022


We are in a season of celebration.  Whatever your beliefs, there are signs of celebration all around us - Christmas lights, seasonal food, Hanukkah lights, Kwanzaa gatherings, gift exchanges.  All of these are symbols of hope, love, peace and kindness.  At times we may feel rushed however it is beneficial to pause and let it all soak in.  It can bring an inner peace that our souls are seeking. 

When we reach goals in our lives, it is important to take the time to celebrate and replenish our energy before moving on to another goal.  Otherwise, we risk the possibility of Goal Fatigue.  Goal Fatique can also happen when we have too many goals.  Author, Speaker, Coach, Valorie Burton, writes about the 3 Signs of Goal Fatigue in this blog:

What did you do the last time that you reached a goal?  Was there a celebration?  Did you reflect on your accomplishment?  Take the time to celebrate what you have done.  You are worthy of praise and should be proud of yourself.  I am proud of you as are others in your life.

As we are nearing the end of 2022, reflect on the year and all that you have accomplished.  Celebrate your successes.  Then you can start planning 2023 and all of the wonderful things you will accomplish.

Make it a great week!