Monday, June 5, 2023

Power Color - The Confidence Booster


🔴 Power Color: Red - The Confidence Booster! 🔴 

Do you have a color that makes you feel confident? When you wear that color, you are ready to take on anything life throws at you? Red is my Power Color. I wear something red whenever I want to make an impact. It is my suit of armor, bringing me strength and courage. I hope that today you find courage in whatever you are wearing. 

There's something truly remarkable about the power of color. The way it can uplift our spirits, boost our confidence, and convey our inner strength to the world. Red has always been my go-to hue when I want to make a lasting impression. 

Red exudes energy, passion, and determination. When I wear this vibrant shade, I feel like I can conquer any challenge that comes my way. It's as if I'm equipped with an invisible force, ready to take charge and make a difference. This color serves as a constant reminder of my capabilities and the potential that lies within me.

Whether it's a striking red dress, or even a subtle accessory, this powerful color can transform my mindset and inspire me to reach for the stars. It acts as a catalyst, propelling me towards success and pushing me to achieve my goals.

But it's not just about the external impact. The confidence that red instills in me resonates on a deeper level. It ignites a fire within my soul, encouraging me to embrace my authenticity and stand out from the crowd. It reminds me that I have unique talents and ideas to contribute, deserving to be heard and seen.

So, today, I encourage you to find your power color, the shade that makes you feel like you can conquer the world. Embrace it, embody it, and let it guide you towards new heights. Whether it's a bold blue, a vibrant yellow, or a serene green, let your power color become your beacon of strength and self-assurance.

Remember, confidence isn't just about what you wear on the outside; it's about the mindset you cultivate within yourself. Let your power color be a constant reminder that you possess the strength, resilience, and courage to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

Now, it's your turn to share! What's your power color? Let's celebrate the confidence that color brings and inspire each other to shine brightly. Together, let's conquer our dreams and make a lasting impact in our professional and personal lives.

#PowerColor #ConfidenceBooster #EmbraceYourStrength

Monday, May 15, 2023

Lessons Learned


I wanted to share with you a personal experience I had recently that reminded me of the value of coaching and the importance of applying the lessons learned in all areas of life.

Last weekend, I participated in the duathlon portion of the New River Splash Triathlon in Jacksonville, North Carolina.  Duathlon means that I would only be riding my bike then running.  I have done this same event in past years.  Within the duathlon, it was the same distances for bike and run as the triathlon participants minus the swim.   

After I showed up for the event, I realized that I had misunderstood the race instructions and the distances I needed to cover. In place of the swim portion, the duathlons would be running 1 mile, then ride bikes 18.5 miles followed by the 3.1 miles (5K).  However, instead of giving up, I used the experience to reflect on some important life lessons that we can all apply to our leadership journeys.

Firstly, always read the instructions and make sure to understand them fully before implementing them.  I assumed that there would only be a bike and run portion at the distances that I had registered in my head.  After the race, I reviewed the race information more closely to find out the complete details.  It is easy to assume that we know what to do, but misunderstandings can lead to costly mistakes. This is why it is essential to read the instructions for understanding and to seek clarification when needed.

Secondly, plan for extra time. I thought that I would be done in one hour and 45 minutes like the previous year while it took me two hours and 7 minutes.  Things often take longer than we expect, and unforeseen circumstances can arise that cause delays. Always factor in some extra time to ensure that you can complete your tasks on time and to the best of your ability.

Lastly, never be afraid to reach out for assistance. It can be tempting to think that we can do everything alone, but having a support system is crucial. During the bike portion, another participant and I kept passing one another.  We encouraged one another and joked, which made the ride fun.  Whether it is a colleague, friend, accountability partner, or coach, find someone who can help you stay positive, motivated, and on track.

The lessons I learned during the duathlon reminded me of the value of coaching. Just like in sports, a coach can provide the guidance and support needed to navigate the challenges of leadership. As a coach myself, I encourage you to consider working with a coach to help you achieve your goals and overcome any obstacles you may face.

Remember, we are all on our own journeys, but with the right mindset and support, we can achieve great things. Keep reading the instructions, plan for extra time, and reach out for assistance when needed.

Monday, May 8, 2023



Do you ever feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day? Do you find yourself constantly adding tasks to your "To Do" list, only to find that more obligations keep finding their way onto it? It can be overwhelming, and it's a feeling that I'm sure we can all relate to. But here's the thing: how we manage that overwhelm can make all the difference in our future success.

As someone who owns two businesses and is active in Toastmasters, I know all too well the feeling of overwhelm. But I've also learned a few lessons along the way that I'd like to share with you:

First, it's important to distinguish between being busy and being productive. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that if we're constantly doing something, we must be making progress. But the truth is that some tasks just keep us busy without actually moving us forward. So, it's important to strike a balance between these kinds of tasks and those that will actually help us achieve our goals.

Second, don't be afraid to ask for help. It can be hard to let go of control and trust someone else to oversee a task, but sometimes it's necessary. And when you do ask for help, you're not only giving yourself some relief, but you're also giving someone else the opportunity to feel needed and useful.

Finally, set boundaries and learn to say "No" more often. It's okay to prioritize your own needs and wants over those of others. Saying "No" can be uncomfortable, but it's better than saying "Yes" and then feeling resentful later.

Check out Brené Brown’s audiobook, “Power of Vulnerability: Teachings of Authenticity, Connection and Courage.” In it, she explains how to practice saying “No.” by standing in front of a mirror and saying different ways to say, “No.”  Try these out - “I’m honored, but I can’t.” “Thank you for considering me; I will have to pass at this time.”  “The timing is not good currently.  Keep me in mind for the future.” 

So, the next time you feel overwhelmed, take a moment to evaluate why you feel that way. Then, take the next best step to regain control. Remember that you deserve to have peace in your pursuit of success. Say "Yes" to yourself and yes to a more fulfilling, productive life.

And if you need some extra support in achieving that balance, consider working with a leadership coach. They can help you identify your priorities and create a plan to achieve them. You deserve to live a life that's both successful and fulfilling.

Schedule an exploratory session today at

Monday, April 24, 2023


Be careful of labels.

Labels are all around us –optimistic, trustworthy, smart, motivated, beautiful, friendly.  When we hear words like that to describe us, we feel good about ourselves.  There are labels which have negative connotations – stupid, lazy, inflexible, close-minded, pessimistic, homely.  Labelling a person can harm their potential and create limiting beliefs where there were none.

Growing up, I was labelled “shy.”  To me, shy meant that I was uncomfortable when I met new people.  It also meant that I did not have much to say.  As I was continually called “shy,” I felt undervalued.  I viewed people who were more outgoing to be worthy of more – more friends, positions in school leadership, positions on sports teams.  As I was shy, I did not deserve the opportunities that my outgoing counterparts deserved and earned.

As I grew, both in age and maturity, I outgrew the limiting beliefs of being labelled “shy.”  I learned that having the respect of others was just as important if not more important than being liked by others.  I have learned to be confident in my “shyness.”  When I go to events or activities where I do not know anyone, I survey the room, select a person to befriend, approach them and take time to learn about them.  I do not feel that I must meet everyone in the room; my time is more valuable spent with one-to-one conversations.

I have also learned that being introverted or shy is not a negative, limiting perspective.  Introverted or extroverted is how we re-energize ourselves.  Introverts need time to themselves to regain energy and renewal.  Extroverts need to be around others to regain energy and renewal.

Looking back, I wonder how different my life would have been had I not been labelled “shy.”  Because of this awareness, I am careful not to put labels on others.  Labels are limiting.  If we have been given a positive label, we become afraid of losing that label.  Negative labels hold us back.  We start to believe that label and do not think that we deserve anything better.  Labels can be put in a box which we cannot leave.

Rather than label people, work to gain understanding.  It may require changing our perspective.  Look at people from different angles.  When we have better understanding, we learn to accept one another as we are – a human being, free to be ourselves because of our uniqueness. 




Monday, April 17, 2023

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Garbage In, Garbage Out - This saying comes from the fact that a computer can do only what it is programmed to do and is only as good as the data it receives and the instructions it is given. If there is a logical error in software, or if incorrect data are entered, the result will probably be either a wrong answer or a system crash.

This concept can also apply to our lives – what we put into our minds or our bodies, and who we spend time with can produce positive or negative results.  When we are intentional, what is Going In can positively impact our mindset and actions.  This results in positive results Going Out which leads to a more successful life.  Consider the following areas of your life.  Then determine if there are ways to adjust these areas to allow a growth mindset creating positive results.

What we are watching – There are many options for streaming movies and shows.  From sports to comedy to drama to TED Talks, the options are endless.  If none of your shows are broadening your viewpoint, consider ways to integrate shows to your list that will widen your perspective of the world and enrich your life.  Consider learning about another culture, learning a language, or a different viewpoint on a topic, all of these are available free on the Internet.

What we are listening to – Music and podcast selections, like streaming shows, are endless.  Consider listening to a few that can help your future successful self.  I recommend “The Quote of the Day Show” by Sean Croxton.  Each episode features a quote along with a 5-10 minute inspirational audio clip to encourage you to lead a more fulfilling life. 

What we are reading – Novels are great, and I have learned a lot from historical fiction.  If there is an area of your life that you would like to improve, find a non-fiction book to read.  A few favorites of mine are “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth” by John C. Maxwell, and “The 7 Laws of Highly Successful People” by Stephen R. Covey.  If you are a beginner to the growth mindset, each of these books are great starters.

Who we are around – We have heard the term “toxic” when referring to people.  Look at the people who surround you.  Consider if they are supportive of your dreams and goals, or whether they are trying to suppress you.  To have a positive, successful life, we need positivity around us.  When someone is not being supportive to you, take the courage to cut them from your life.  It may be difficult to take that step though you will be grateful once you have.

Evaluate your life and look at the quality of the garbage that is coming in.  Determine if you are being intentional with your growth, or if you are on autopilot.  When we are on autopilot, we continue to get the same results which can lead to an unfulfilled life.  By introducing growth habits into our lives, we move towards a more fulfilled, successful life. A life where we can bring value to others and inspire them to live their best life. 

A leadership coach can help with your journey to a more successful life.  Book a complimentary session today,

#Success #SelfLeadeship #PersonalGrowth