Monday, April 17, 2023

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Garbage In, Garbage Out - This saying comes from the fact that a computer can do only what it is programmed to do and is only as good as the data it receives and the instructions it is given. If there is a logical error in software, or if incorrect data are entered, the result will probably be either a wrong answer or a system crash.

This concept can also apply to our lives – what we put into our minds or our bodies, and who we spend time with can produce positive or negative results.  When we are intentional, what is Going In can positively impact our mindset and actions.  This results in positive results Going Out which leads to a more successful life.  Consider the following areas of your life.  Then determine if there are ways to adjust these areas to allow a growth mindset creating positive results.

What we are watching – There are many options for streaming movies and shows.  From sports to comedy to drama to TED Talks, the options are endless.  If none of your shows are broadening your viewpoint, consider ways to integrate shows to your list that will widen your perspective of the world and enrich your life.  Consider learning about another culture, learning a language, or a different viewpoint on a topic, all of these are available free on the Internet.

What we are listening to – Music and podcast selections, like streaming shows, are endless.  Consider listening to a few that can help your future successful self.  I recommend “The Quote of the Day Show” by Sean Croxton.  Each episode features a quote along with a 5-10 minute inspirational audio clip to encourage you to lead a more fulfilling life. 

What we are reading – Novels are great, and I have learned a lot from historical fiction.  If there is an area of your life that you would like to improve, find a non-fiction book to read.  A few favorites of mine are “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth” by John C. Maxwell, and “The 7 Laws of Highly Successful People” by Stephen R. Covey.  If you are a beginner to the growth mindset, each of these books are great starters.

Who we are around – We have heard the term “toxic” when referring to people.  Look at the people who surround you.  Consider if they are supportive of your dreams and goals, or whether they are trying to suppress you.  To have a positive, successful life, we need positivity around us.  When someone is not being supportive to you, take the courage to cut them from your life.  It may be difficult to take that step though you will be grateful once you have.

Evaluate your life and look at the quality of the garbage that is coming in.  Determine if you are being intentional with your growth, or if you are on autopilot.  When we are on autopilot, we continue to get the same results which can lead to an unfulfilled life.  By introducing growth habits into our lives, we move towards a more fulfilled, successful life. A life where we can bring value to others and inspire them to live their best life. 

A leadership coach can help with your journey to a more successful life.  Book a complimentary session today,

#Success #SelfLeadeship #PersonalGrowth


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