Monday, February 13, 2023

Random Acts of Kindness


Helping Others to Help Yourself

Ahh – Valentine’s Day.  There are different outlooks and viewpoints about this holiday.  It originally began as a day to honor early Christian martyrs name Saint Valentine.  Today, it is a commercial celebration of romance and love throughout the world.  It can be viewed as a day to bestow gifts and extra attention to that special someone in your life.

Others may view the day with disdain because they do not have a special someone in their life, or they have been burnt by love.  They may choose to wear black on Valentine’s Day and wallow in self-pity.

What is your stance of Valentine's Day?  Are you wearing red and spreading cheer, or wearing black and commiserating?

If the words of Booker T. Washington, “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.”  I interpret this to mean that if we look to the needs of others, we forget our own woes for a time and our outlook on life changes.  We can choose to be happier, just by focusing on the needs of others. 

Change your view of Valentine's Day and consider that the week of February 12-18 is Random Acts of Kindness Week with February 17 being Random Acts of Kindness Day.  What can you do to brighten another’s day?  It does not have to include a lot of money or time.  Simple acts can go a long way. 

Consider some of the following:

-          Leave snacks and a thank you for delivery drivers.

-          Mail an encouraging handwritten letter.

-          Sign up to be an organ donor.

-          Compliment a stranger.

-          Put away your phone and fully pay attention to someone.

-          Donate blood.

-          Leave a generous tip.

-          Buy coffee for the person behind you in line.

-          Do a chore without being asked.

-          Smile and wave at others.

-          Post and comment positive vibes on social media.  Use the following hashtags to encourage others - #kindness #RAOK #kindnessmatters #bekind #actsofkindness

“Not all of us can do great things.  But we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa

Random acts of kindness do not have to be grand or costly.  The smallest efforts can have a great impact on others.  Bonus is that you will better for being kind to others.  Check out for more ideas of being nice and paying it forward. 

I hope that your week is filled with kindness, love, and positive vibes.

Make it a great week!

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